Stephanie & Kyle | Charming Christmas Wedding in Memphis, TN

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I have had the joy of knowing Stephanie and Kyle for several years now, so it meant a lot to me that I was able to capture their wedding day for them. It was a real honor watching these two commit their lives to each other, and I couldn’t help but think just how happy Steph’s mom would be, looking down on such a special day, seeing the incredible woman Stephanie has become. From the love and support of family and friends to the beautiful atmosphere and decor, their wedding was just purrrfect. I love them both and am so excited to see what’s to come for them.

Venue: Hillwood @ Davie’s Manor Plantation / Florist: Morgan Gloss @ Whole Foods Market Memphis / Wedding Cake: Abby May / Hair Stylist: Rende Baker / Catering: Smokin D’s / Ceremony Musician: Jason Wulff-Woesten /


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© saralane & stevie 2020

Sara-Lane & Stevie Boudreaux are Tennessee and Destination Wedding Photographers based out of Nashville, TN with a focus on capturing connections artfully and honestly.