Tammie & Ryan | 409 South Main Wedding in Memphis, TN

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The moment Stevie and I arrived in Memphis to shoot the Banko wedding, I knew this would be a wedding to remember. Tammie and Ryan have a love that can conquer anything, a love bigger than themselves, and it was an honor to capture that love throughout their big day. Having only just met the two, Stevie and I felt an instant connection to them and their families – so full of love, joy, laughter. They gave it freely to us “strangers” and made us feel like old friends. From the couples obvious gorgeousness (is that a word?) to the beautiful colors and fun location (etc. etc. etc.), this day of celebration was so awesome to photograph. I had the best time, and I think they did too 🙂

Venue: 409 South Main / Wedding Coordinator: Rebecca Jordan / DJ: Disc Jockeys Now / Cosmetologist: Gina Micheletti / Wedding Dress: White Gown Workroom, CocoAnais / Minister: Jonathan McIntosh


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© saralane & stevie 2020

Sara-Lane & Stevie Boudreaux are Tennessee and Destination Wedding Photographers based out of Nashville, TN with a focus on capturing connections artfully and honestly.