“To God be the glory, great things He has done.”
I can’t even begin to describe how happy, thankful and relieved we feel to have met this (seemingly insurmountable) goal for 2019. As of right before Stevie’s birthday in August, we paid off the last & final & humungous chunk of our student loans and became officially debt free.
Everything changed at the beginning of the year when we decided to set a goal to pay off a certain percentage of our student loan debt. (And paying it ALL off this year was *not* our initial goal FYI… More on that crazy story later!) After years of “ish”-ing our way through handling our finances, we finally got focused. We joined an FPU class, cut up our credit cards, learned how to budget (still learning on that one!), and began really praying boldly about our situation.
We changed our patterns, and our patterns changed us.
Next up, Baby Step 3!